The Lazy Man’s Guide To Enlightenment
By Thaddeus Golan
– A 4-Week Book Study Wrapped in the Paradox of Simplicity and Confrontation

Simplicity and confrontation—the confrontation lies in the unconscious belief that enlightened understanding and availability must be difficult. And yet, it remains so if we do nothing to challenge that ideology.
Overwhelm and anxiety continue to boulder their way through our inherent knowing, smothering what is already within us.
But perhaps relief isn’t as distant or hopeless as we’ve been led to believe.
Join me for a virtual book discussion on a classic piece of spiritual literature that resists easy classification—The Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment by Thaddeus Golas.
Available for free at this link, this book is a stand-alone treatise of laser-focused guidance, humor, and no-nonsense directness, all pointing us back to the remembrance of our own divinity.
QUOTES from the book
“There is no point in worry or wonder about worse or better spiritual conditions, although that game is available. You will not be able to rise above your present vibration level to stay until you love the way you are now.”
“No matter what your spiritual condition is, no matter where you find yourself in the universe, your choice is always the same: to expand your awareness or contract it.”
“Love as much as you can from wherever you are.”
2 Minute YouTube
A helpful commentary on the book
Additional Summary (helpful reviewer comments)
If one needed to sum up the book, one might say that it is intended to help see through the fog of spiritual nonsense through to the most important tenets: Our equality as beings (not just human) is the key to understanding everything. Look beyond any and all evidence of inequality; until you simply see equality, you are not looking at true interaction around you! Everything is vibrating in and out of phase, and spirit or matter are one and the same depending on the vibrations chosen and emphasized. We are each having an experience based on the emphasis we are placing. Nothing is fixed by anyone or anything. There is nothing that needs to be done or changed and acceptance is more important than glorious achievements. This is already home: When we learn to love hell, we are in heaven – since love is nothing more than being able to vibrate with our neighbors, we need to learn to love – to accept, or get away. Finally, the book tells us to be wary of people who offer enlightenment or write books about it, because the very act is a way to define others as “needing to be enlightened or rescued”… That is itself a red flag, since when we truly understand what we are, we understand we can never be sure what it is we are trying to correct in the outside experience of the world as we see it. The whole thing is said with humor and a comfortable, reassuring laugh resounds: The voice of Golas.
Wednesdays in March
March 5, 12, 19, 26 – AM or PM selections via ZOOM
AM Class 9:30 to 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
PM Class 7:30 to 9:00 PM Eastern Stndard TIme
Pay What You Can
Suggested Donation: $100.00 for the 4 week series
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VENMO – use @David-Ault-12
ZELLE – use this email [email protected]
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