“Everything that you have holds everything that you are.”
– David Ault
Mystery/Wisdom Schools have been in existence since the beginning of humanity’s search for meaning. They were branded with the term ‘mystery’ because often it was illegal and considered heresy to study traditions, alchemical knowledge/practices and personal empowerment laws due to the effect that gnosis (knowledge) would have on the individual. If enough people took the liberty to do this, then oppressive cultures would wither. Individuality and equality would thrive.
Today there are still oligarchical power structures that exist around the world. Not much has changed in the quest for dominion over others. It seems this division is an integral part of the human curriculum and the soul’s evolving journey. How do you evolve or reawaken to the true meaning of one’s capabilities unless those capabilities are unshackled either consciously or unconsciously? What prompts us to go beyond?
A modern-day mystery/wisdom school is a vehicle for fundamental and holistic reawakening. Its purpose is to ignite personal dominion – building an interior world of conscious, evolutionary thinking. It is a sacred commitment one makes to study, but, most importantly, to embody and create personal expansion over limitation, peeling away illusion for Reality.
The first in-person series began in Atlanta, GA in 2019. Virtual adaptations began in 2020 with attendees from around the world! I’d love to have you join me!
4 Part Virtual Series – Module 1

What Is Freedom
September 18, 2021 1 – 4 PM ET
Everything is designed to return us to the awareness that we are great awakened beings. Everything needed to remove the veils of our collective forgetfulness already exists within us. The 12th century Persian poet Rumi taught it this way; everything is rigged in your favor.
If you can observe the mind without becoming a slave to the mind then this is the experience of freedom. Yoga philosophy calls this state – Vairagya: Living in the world without being ruled by its effects.
If freedom is…..then what currently appears to block that within our lives?
This session will forma no judgment zone – bringing compassion to the exploration and practice of acknowledging our perceived blockages, anxieties and limiting beliefs. We will turn towards our resistances with the alchemy of allowing.

Surrendering Identity
October 16, 2021 1 – 4 PM ET
There is something particularly maddening about seeking one dimensional answers to our multi-dimensional experience. We could call it insanity 2.0 The exploration of freedom will lead us deeper into the awareness that this plane of existence is the tiniest fraction of our soul’s existence. Yet how we consciously choose to be has valuable affect on the whole of humanity. In this session we will explore our identities, labels, and limiting beliefs. We ask ourselves how could I be in this world if I were free of these? We do not define anything as wrong, we simply empty the need to preserve our stories.
This session will offer the exploration of the Cosmic Clock as a framework for the infinite cycles of birth and rebirth which our soul engages. We will cover new material on meta-incarnations, deja-vu and the nature of karma.
We will use a practice of revisioning to release a block we have given power and definition to.

What Is Your Karma Yoga?
November 13, 2021 1 – 4 PM ET
You are, at your essential core, a bodhisattva. This is one who devotes their life to the elimination of suffering for others. The path of exploring how you do this is called Karma Yoga.
There is perhaps nothing more powerful for dissolving our internal limiting beliefs than by selflessly serving humanity – uncovering what is yours to do. Done without agenda, it is a way to reveal the plentiful nature of our existence. Without adding performative self-glorification, how can we reenergize our bodhisattva nature? How will you commit to living your practice of Karma Yoga? Are you ready to more fully be the change you wish to see in the world?
This session will include establishing our values and using these values as personal mantras.

You Are That
December 11, 2021 1 – 4 PM ET
The living word or pure Consciousness – you are That.
The reflection of the King’s face – you are That.
There is nothing outside of yourself, look within.
Everything you want is there – you are That.
Commitment to seeing and treating ourselves as the living reflection of pure Consciousness is no different than other devotions. We determine the degree of happiness we offer ourselves. How honest is our self-honoring? Judgement is not self-honoring, Uncontrolled addiction is not self-honoring. Hugging our traumas is not self-honoring.
A new form of accountability is awaits us. And we are ready to make the vow. This session will include a virtual sacred ceremony of releasing and allowing. You will have the opportunity to partner with others for group accountability and committed visioning.
Register Now
The first in-person series of Wisdom School began in Atlanta, GA in 2019. I adapted it for an online experience to satisfying success in 2020. I continue restructuring the modules to fit our virtual world by broadening our experience of community. I’d love to have you join me!
Virtual Series
Online Registration
Classes will be held virtually, using Zoom
Log-in and Passwords will be distributed 24 hours before each session
Class materials will be sent prior to each session
Tuition is $79 per session, $280 if purchasing the entire Module
Each session will incorporate meditation and breakout discussion.